Friday, September 11, 2015

Dainty corner in the house

I'm very feminine. In love with anything girly, pink and flowery. When I realized our house cant be any messier having a 2 yr old around, I decided to just create a cozy corner somewhere where I can sit to declutter my mind every now and then. I'm imagining myself sipping coffee there every morning admiring the little order of the surroundings and maybe watch some greeneries. And of course it has to be outdoor-sy with ample sunlight. The dark moodlights in the house has taken it's toll on my eyes and my myopia is getting worse every year. :(  

I found the perfect spot in our backyard. Now all I need is  rummage through the storage and find some usable stuff I can use so I dont need to spend anything and viola! Her I am, realizing my morning coffee time in the cozy corner i put up while updating my blog and sharing toyou  my experience.

Thinking of buying some little pot of herbs to put in the void near the table for some aroma and scenery. Also looking forward for some afternoon tea here maybe with a friend or two. Standby for updates! 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

De-stressing with colors

If im not baking, i'm coloring to de-stress and slow down. Here's some of my masterpieces. Look how one can be artistic when stressed!