Sunday, October 19, 2014

Chapter 11: Almond biscotti

Remember when the Queen passed by this very cute and dainty cafe in Laupasat? That's that first time the Queen tried a biscotti and she liked it. Since then she promised to recreate that biscuit if given the time. Today is the day.  Biscotti, is a coffee biscuit that's twice baked. The Queen need not search high and low for the ingredients as most of them are already available in her kitchen. Recipe here

The helpers with Sugar hard at work. 

This is the batter sitting in the baking dish waiting to be popped into the oven. 

The finish product is still sitting in the oven for the first part of the baking. After that it'll need to sit in the fridge for at least 3 hours so stay tuned for updates! ^_^

Recipe: Almond Biscotti

3 egg whites
120g plain flour sifted
90g caster sugar
120g whole almonds

1. Whisk egg whites until smooth stiff peaks like that of a meringue
2. Add in sifted flour. I used the mixer attachment of my kitchenaid else you can gently fold with a spatulla.
3. Add in almonds and mix well. Consistency should be soft and light like a very thick batter.
4. Pour mixture into a greased dish. Rectangular dish is preferred so it'll be easy to cut later.
6. Bake @ 180C for 30 mins.
7. Let is cool at room temperature. Wrap with a clinging plastic then freeze for at least 3 hours. If you won't freeze, bread will be very hard to cut and will make the biscuit stone hard not crunchy.
8. Take out from fridge and sliced thinly.
9. Arrange sliced pieces in a baking tray and bake @ 130C for 45 mins till crispy and crunchy.
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Chapter 10: Rainbow cake

Today is Fel's SG bday. The Queen's family is very thankful for Fels hardwork and dedication in taking care of Prince Zedric, so The Queen decided to make this day special for her. To symbolize a cheerful and happy life that the Queen wanted to wish for Fel, she baked a rainbow cake. It turned out as colorful as how life should be.

The masterpiece.

Separating batters into 6 colors

Laying the batter into the baking tray

The meringue and Queen's helper Sugar (kitchenaid)

Side Angle. Filled with Mascarpone cream

Life is colorful so as these

Its also Fels dear daughter bday Jhea so we named it after her.

Happy Fel

The rainbow cake standing proud next to a commercial one.