Saturday, November 8, 2014

Chapter 12: Failed Cheesecake

One day Emperor Meng wanted to eat cheesecake. Very seldom the Emperor request for something made by the Queen so just imagine how excited she was of the thought even though she's already looking forward to baking either souffle or molten lava cake. Off she bake cheesecake for Her beloved, but never realized she's doing it half-heartedly (because her mood is set to baking somethin else). The result: A very ugly halfcooked cheesecake. Lesson learned: the ultimate ingredient in all recipe is love.  "Make love with your baking" 

 She have to put it back to oven but the thing being very temperament, didnt turn out great despite. It still taste like cheesecake though and the emperor refer it as a cheesecake biscotti (having to bake it twice).
Prepping ingredients

The brand of cream cheese used. Will make a review of it soon if i get to use another brand. 

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