1. We cant find heavy cream in Singapore but whipping cream/thick cream works the same which are the ones readily available in groceries.
2. Mind your proportions. When your recipe calls for large egg, best if you add 1 or 2 more as eggs in SG are considered medium-small. I tried to stick to the egg proportion in recipe and my creme turned out too runny and didn't set. I whisked it again and added 2 more yolks and it did the trick.
3. Do not brulee or burn sugar when the creme is still hot. The caramel wont harden and you wont have that signature breaking-like-glass coverage on the creme. Chill it for an hour or so first and make sure its cold enough when you brulee.
4. White sugar works better than brown unless if you want a very dark brulee. I want mine to look like a brown tinted glass on top so i used white sugar.
5. Do not put back in fridge after you brulee coz it'll soften the hardened caramel. better you brulee mins before serving to have the cracking goodness of caramel. However if you did chill the brulee-ed creme like i did, just brulee it again.
*The taste of creme brulee is almost similar to leche flan but is less sweet. This replaces leche flan as my favorite custard based indulgence. ;)
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